Lessons and tools.

Lessons can be tailored to each individual students wants and needs. Younger students wanting their music qualifications i.e. grades will be put through their paces with exam material from the Rockschool examination board. These comprise of challenging grade songs, each getting harder as they progress through their grades. Also theory such as scales and chords will be covered, leaning how and when to apply them in a musical situation. After the material has been fully absorbed by the student there will be a chance to take a graded exam where the student will be assessed, and hopefully pass with flying colours. For more information on the examination board I favour you can visit their website at www.rslawards.com. For those students who want to brush up on their theory knowledge, a course of ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) will do the trick. These graded course books will give you the confidence to know the answers to what, where, why and how music really works. Hopefully giving the student a knowledge base to make them into a fully-rounded musician. More information can be found at www.abrsm.org. And finally for those students who just want to rock. I provide transcriptions for students of their favourite songs using guitar pro, a computer program to write music. Also, a tool to practice along with where you can slow tricky sections down and repeat them until you have really nailed it. More information about Guitar Pro can be found on www.guitar-pro.com.